No. 4436 Consecrated June 1922 Amalgamated 20th January 2011

The Lodge of Hope and Saint Alphege No 4436 like all Lodges makes donations to local deserving causes. Funds are raised from the Lodge Members and their guests. We are committed to charitable causes and have made significant contributions to Masonic and Non Masonic Charities. We were particularly touched by the Philippines disaster and made a substantial contribution to help families in need.You may be interested to know that Plan have released a Video through the Grand Charity which shows how the money raised by Masons all over the Country in support of the Philippines disaster has been spent.

Non Masonic Charities that have benefited include 

Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Acorns Children’s Hospital
The Air Ambulance
Saint Mary’s collegiate Church in Warwick
Myton Hospice
Cancer Research UK
The Dogs Trust
Make a Wish Foundation
Help for Heroes

Masonic Charities include

The Freemasons Grand Charity Appeal
The Masonic Samaritan Fund
The Royal Masonic Trust for boys and girls
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund